大阪城公园内的天守阁是大阪的著名地标。它矗立在公园中心,是大阪城的核心建筑。天守阁始建于 16 世纪,历经多次重建修复,见证了大阪的历史变迁。The Tenshukaku in Osaka Castle Park is a famous landmark in Osaka. Standing in the center of the park, it is the core building of Osaka Castle. The Tenshukaku was first built in the 16th century and has undergone multiple reconstructions and restorations, witnessing the historical changes of Osaka.
观前提醒:我们强烈建议您使用Chrome等支持HDR的浏览器和支持HDR的显示器观看以获得最佳体验Pre-viewing reminder: We strongly recommend that you use HDR-enabled browsers such as Chrome and HDR-enabled monitors for the best experience涩谷是日本东京都涩谷区的一个主要商业区,与新宿、池袋并列为东京都的三大副都心。这里交通发达,是重要的交通枢纽,每天人流量巨大。Shibuya is a major commercial district in Shibuya Ward, Tokyo, Japan. It is listed as one of the three sub - central areas of Tokyo along with Shinjuku and Ikebukuro. It has a developed transportation system and is an important transportation hub
观前提醒:我们强烈建议您使用Chrome等支持HDR的浏览器和支持HDR的显示器观看以获得最佳体验Pre-viewing reminder: We strongly recommend that you use HDR-enabled browsers such as Chrome and HDR-enabled monitors for the best experience鹿苑寺,又名金阁寺,是一座最早完成于 1397 年的日本佛寺,位于京都府京都市北区,是临济宗相国寺派的寺院。其名称源自于日本室町时代著名的足利氏第三代幕府将军足利义满之法名。Rokuon-ji, also known as Kinkaku-ji, is a Japanese Buddhist temple first completed in 1397. It is located in the Kita Ward of Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture. It is a temple of the Rinzai school of the Shokoku-ji sect. Its nam
Golf GTI 是大众汽车一款极具魅力的高性能掀背车型。它基于大众 Golf 平台打造,自问世以来,便成为汽车爱好者心中的经典。以其独特的外观和卓越的性能,在汽车历史长河中占据重要地位。The Golf GTI is an extremely charming high - performance hatchback model of Volkswagen. Built on the Volkswagen Golf platform, it has become a classic in the hearts of car enthusiasts since its introduction. With its unique appearance and outstanding performance, it occupies an important position in the history of automobiles.它拥有动感时尚的外观,经典的红边格栅是其标志性元素之一,与犀利的大灯组相搭配,营造出一种极具攻击性的视觉效果。车身线条流畅,肌肉感十足,既彰显了运动气质,又
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