《大阪城公园天守阁:历史天空下的雄伟之姿》(Osaka Castle Park's Tenshukaku: Majestic Appearance under the Historical Sky)

默认分类 · 2024-09-21
《大阪城公园天守阁:历史天空下的雄伟之姿》(Osaka Castle Park's Tenshukaku: Majestic Appearance under the Historical Sky)

大阪城公园内的天守阁是大阪的著名地标。它矗立在公园中心,是大阪城的核心建筑。天守阁始建于 16 世纪,历经多次重建修复,见证了大阪的历史变迁。
The Tenshukaku in Osaka Castle Park is a famous landmark in Osaka. Standing in the center of the park, it is the core building of Osaka Castle. The Tenshukaku was first built in the 16th century and has undergone multiple reconstructions and restorations, witnessing the historical changes of Osaka.



  1. idurelwxfh 25 天前


  2. 鹿儿 2024-11-08


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